Business programme

18 June 10:30–12:00
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
How Can We Improve Efficiency under Stress?
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme Can anyone in the 21st century not suffer from stress? Is there anyone among us who has learned to cope with stress as fast and unnoticed as possible? How to get rid of anxiety when constantly within the information flow? Stress is detrimental to the immune system, when stressed out people pick up infections more often, but is stress really so harmful or is this assertion merely a stereotype and incorrect perception of any person’s normal state? Can stress be beneficial? Scientists have shown that stress stimulates people’s initiative, allowing more intensive use to be made of a person’s potential, promotes development and motivates. Moreover, stress increases activity and improves memory. So what exactly is this stress and why can’t we live without it? How to learn to cope with stress and develop stress-resistance? What methods exist for handling stress?
Olga Kobyakova — Director, Federal Research Institute for Health Organization and Informatics of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Maria Afonina — Vice Rector for Learning Activities of Educational Center SENEZH (“Russia - the Country of Opportunities” Project)
Sergey Bagnenko — Rector, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD, M.D.,Professor
Was born on 22nd September 1957. In 1980 he graduated from Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. He studied in clinical residency at naval and hospital Surgery department. S.F. Bagnenko served as part of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. In 1990 he defended his PhD thesis and in 1998 his doctoral thesis.
In 1998 became a director of the St. Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. In 2005 he was elected as a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and in 2011 he became an Academician of the RAMS (now RAS). He is main free-lance specialist in emergency medical services of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health. In 2012 he became an acting rector, and in 2013 a rector of FSBEI HE I.P.Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia.
Alexander Kalinkin — Director, Sleep Medicine Centre; Cardiologist; Sleep Therapist, Medical Research and Education Centre, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Alan Kaluyev — Director, Laboratory of Biological Psychiatry, St. Petersburg State University
Vladimir Samokish — Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Sergey Chudinov — Honoured Coach of Russia; Head Coach, Russian National Luge Team
18 June 13:00–14:30
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
Public Health: Challenges of the Times
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme Physical, emotional and social health as factors behind harmonious development are an integral part of the unified public health system and imply the need to develop an effective system of state management for the given sphere. Public health is a sphere of inter-departmental collaboration requiring development of systemic approaches to managing and monitoring the situation taking into account the needs and potential of all groups of stakeholders: the population, the state, businesses, NPOs and so on. Considering the strategic national priorities, it is vital to introduce a social model for strengthening public health at the regional and municipal level as a factor for long-term economic growth. One pressing task is also to develop educational and training standards for specialists in public health improvement. What institutional approaches exist to managing public health and what role do regional and municipal authorities play? How is the role of public health perceived by the Russian populace? What do businesses request and need? How can the personnel potential be assessed for realizing the strategic goal of strengthening public health? What is the role of NPOs as a key stakeholder in the system for forming public health?
Alexey Rashodchikov — Fund Co-chairman, City (Gorod) Moscow Centre of Urban Studies; Deputy Director for External Communications, Mosinzhproekt
Oleg Kuvshinnikov — Governor of the Vologda Region
Mr. Kuvshinnikov was born in Cherepovets in 1965. He was actively involved in sport in his childhood and youth. He is a candidate master of sports in hockey. 1982 – Began working at Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. 1985–1987 – Served in the Soviet Army. Military rank – sergeant. 1987 – Worked at Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant as the operator of the 250 Mill in the rolling shop. 1994 – Foreman of the rolling shop, then head of the 250 Mill and later deputy head of the production shop. 2000 – Head of the rolling shop. 2002 – Head of Sheet Rolling Shop No. 1. 2002–2006 – Deputy of the Cherepovets City Duma and Chairman of the Urban Affairs Committee. 2003 – Member of the United Russia party. 2004–2005 – Member of the Board of Directors of Severstal. 2004–2006 – Director of Social Amenities at Severstal. 2006 – First Deputy Mayor and acting Mayor of Cherepovets. 2007 – Elected Mayor of Cherepovets (65.3% of votes). 2007 – Member of the political council presidium of the Vologda regional branch of the United Russia party. December 2011 – Governor of the Vologda Region. May 17, 2014 – Acting Governor of the Vologda Region. September 23, 2014 – Elected Governor of the Vologda Region (62.98% of votes). Education: 1991 – Yaroslavl College of Soviet Trade. 1994 – St. Petersburg Trade and Economics Institute. 1999 – State University of Management in the ‘Production Management’ programme (Moscow). 2002 – Completed a training course in a corporate programme for the training of ‘Top 100’ managers. 2005 – Completed training in a MBA programme at the Academy of National Economy under the Russian Government.
Yelena Mikhailova — Adviser to the General Director, Russian Public Opinion Research Centre
Sergey Morozov — First Deputy Chairman, Committee of the Russian State Duma on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government
Sergey Rybalchenko — General Director, Scientific and Public Expert Evaluation Institute; Chair, Commission for Demography and the Protection of Family, Children, and Traditional Family Values, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation
Mr. Rybalchenko is General Director of the Institute for Research and Community Expert Evaluation, head of the working group for social policy under the Russian Government Expert Board, member of the Community Council at the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, as well as the Russian Public Labour Board. He graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical School (1987) and from the postgraduate course of the National Research Institute Higher School of Economics (2010), Candidate of Economics.
1992 to 2006: worked in local government bodies and, since 2006, has been active in public and research work as an expert in strategic planning, family and demographic policy. He has authored 25 scholarly articles, including 4 monographs. The Institute for Research and Community Expert Evaluation serves as an umbrella for leading experts in family and demographic policies, performing expert evaluation of the regulatory impact of the legislation and managerial decisions.
Oleg Salagay — Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Oleg Salagay, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director of the Department of Public Health and Communications of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Press Secretary of the Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova.
Born on 3 October 1983 in Irkutsk (Irkutsk Oblast).
In 2005, graduated with honours from Irkutsk State Medical University.
In 2006, graduated with honours from the Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Department of Law.
In 2010, graduated with honours from the Diplomatic Academy of Russian Foreign Ministry.
In 2011, received a Master’s Degree in European Law from Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Oleg Salagay is a member of many working groups under the auspices of the World Health Organization, BRICS, and bilateral cooperation. He is Chairman of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
Viktor Cherepov — Executive Vice President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Front row participants:
Irina Ilyina — Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, Institute for Regional Studies and Urban Planning, Higher School of Economics; Professor, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, Vysokovsky Higher School of Urban Studies
Anastasia Tanicheva — Executive Director, Russian Society of Cardiology
18 June 15:00–16:00
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
International Diplomatic and Business Protocol, Business Etiquette
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme