Business programme

17 June 09:45–11:15
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
Russian Dietary Supplement Industry: An Industry View of the Strategic Objectives for Development
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme According to the WHO, almost a third of the world’s population lacks sufficient essential minerals. Roughly one billion people do not get enough vitamin D. Some 20 million children are born with health problems due to a lack of iodine in their mother’s diet. The Institute of Nutrition says that this insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals occurs year-round and needs to be corrected. In this situation, taking dietary supplements is the most affordable and logical way to solve the problem of nutritional deficiencies. Dietary supplements are regularly taken by 90% of the population in Japan, 45–80% in the United States, 59% in Denmark, 54% in South Korea, and 43% in Germany. In Russia, this figure does not even reach 20%. The development of public educational programmes as an integral part of the national Demography project in matters concerning nutritional support and the prevention of dietary dependent diseases could become a task for public-private partnerships to optimize healthcare costs. To what degree is the use of vitamins and dietary supplements a crucial tool to ensuring active longevity in an aging population? How important is it to draft a strategy for the development of the dietary supplement industry as a key state sector related to ensuring the health and active longevity of society, and what potential do these strategies have? What issues are most relevant today in terms of import substitution in the dietary supplement industry?
Sergey Krasnov — Host, RBC TV
Vladimir Bessonov — Director, Laboratory of Food Chemistry; Doctor of Biological Sciences, Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Biotechnology
Alexander Zhestkov — Executive Director, Self-regulatory organization Union of Dietary Supplements Producers
Yevgeni Nifantiev — Representative, Committee on Industry and Trade of the Russian State Duma
Natalia Prokopieva — Chairman of the Board of Directors, Evalar
Natalia graduated from Altai State University, where she studied Law. She also completed MBA Strategic Management in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration and she holds a PhD in Economics.
Her professional carrer at Evalar started in 1997 in Biysk city, Russia.
She held a post of the Director at Evalar's Moscow Representative Office from 2001 till 2013. The responsibilities of the office are to advertise the brands through all main TV channels, manage all of their branded pharmacies in Moscow and develop its client base.
Natalia has been appointed as the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors in 2013.
Sergey Shulyak — General Director, DSM Group
17 June 11:45–13:15
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
Bolstering the Resources of Local Communities in Times of Turbulence: Collaboration between State Institutions, Business, and NPOs
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme The new challenges of the times make “concern for those close by” probably the only antidote to crises and opportunity for developing the resources of local communities. Solidarity and inter-sectoral collaboration with authorities, businesses and NPOs bring sustainable results despite the universal shortage of resources and instability. Mobilization and development of local communities are the “new black” in turbulent times. How could collaboration with the state be arranged to confirm NPOs and local communities as a resource with which co-operation is both possible and essential for supporting particularly vulnerable members of society during unstable times? How could businesses use social care resources to create an environment for the elderly? How can local communities improve the lives of children and families? What is the strength of NPOs as a mechanism for fine-tuning social care?
Yelena Fayman — Managing Partner, IQ Media Agency
Denis Bokov — Director, VEB.RF Agent Block of the Russian Government
Anton Dolgov — Executive Director, Presidential Grants Foundation
Born 10/10/1975
1992-1997 - Saratov Chernyshevsky State University, Physics Department
1998 - Presidential programme of management training for national economy organizations of Russian Federation
1999 - German Management Academy in Lower Saxony
1997-2003 - worked in publishing and social fields in the Saratov region. Run several projects of local private and public media establishment and development. Member of Governor’s Supreme Economic Council. Founder and Member of Guardian Council of “Saratov Province” charity foundation, which held regional competitions for social and cultural projects in 2001-2011.
2004-2013 - Run publishing projects in the fields of economy, law and small business. Director General of stock corporations of “Russian accountant” company grouping.
2013-2017 - run informational and social projects in interregional cooperation development. Director General of “My district” company - an Internet platform for municipal structures. Board member of All-Russian Public Organization “Russian management community of presidential programme members”. From June 2017 - Executive Director of Presidential Grants Foundation. Supervises development of IT-platforms, as well as regional development and communication.
Maria Morozova — General Director, Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation
Ms. Morozova has been heading The Timchenko Foundation from the day when it was created in December 2010. She performs the following functions: member of the Community Council with the Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Security, head of Senior Citizen section with the Russian Government’s Community Council on Guardianship Issues in the Social Sphere, member of the Expert Board for Advancing New Projects with the Agency of Strategic Initiatives, member of The Council of the Federation Committee on Social Innovation Development in Territorial Entities of the Russian Federation, member of the Joint Advisory Board of the Presidential Grants Foundation, co-chair of the working group involved in expert conceptual design of Active Ageing in the Russian Federation, member of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Long-term Care Professionals, member of the Coordinating Council with the Russian Ministry of Economic Development on issues of expanding charitable activities.
Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation is one of the largest family-oriented foundations in Russia. It was created in 2010 with the aim of achieving long-term social results and uniting charitable projects of the Timchenko family. Activities of the Foundation are aimed at the social and cultural development of Russia’s regions, solving issues of social orphanhood, developing non-professional sports for children, and providing support for senior citizens. These strategic areas of activities are designed to achieve positive and tangible changes in the social sector. The Timchenko Foundation programs are implemented with a special emphasis on developing small territories and localities.
The program portfolio of The Timchenko Foundation includes the following competitions: Dobryi Lyod [Good Ice], Ice Hockey without Barriers, Immediate Circle, Family Fairway, Right Family Course, Cultural Mosaic of Small Towns and Villages, Chess in Schools, Linked Communities.
Olga Postnikova — Chief Executive Officer, Dobroe Delo Social Care Centre ANPO (online)
Karine Khabirova — Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Territory of Happiness Charitable Foundation
Anna Tsivileva — Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kolmar Group
Front row participants:
Tatiana Akimova — Executive Director, Good Stories Charitable Foundation; Director, Care Is Near Coalition
Ekaterina Moroz — Co-owner, Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine MOROZOV LLC; Founder, Social Projects "Youth Without Borders", "Two Generations - One Look"
Diana Farakhova — Member, Public Chamber of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Andrey Tsarev — Member, Commission of the Russian Public Chamber for the Development of the Non-Commercial Sector and the Support of Socially Oriented NGOs; Chairman of the Board, Equal Opportunities Interregional Public Organization for the Support of People with Mental Disabilities and Psychophysical Disabilities (online)
Olga Chistyakova — Member, Legislative Assembly of the Penza Region; Chairman of the Board, Penza Regional Branch of the Union of Russian Women; Director, Caravan of Good Deeds Charitable Foundation
Irina Shuvalova — Director, Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Rostov-on-Don City
17 June 16:30–18:00
 Pavilion F, Healthy Life Area
Blood Donation and Employee Efficiency: How to Increase Employers’ Loyalty to Blood Donation
Panel session ‘Healthy Life’ Programme A well-developed corporate culture is crucial to improving team efficiency and ensuring a strong economic performance.
The panel discussion will address the theme of blood donation, which combines two components straight away to ensure Russia’s socioeconomic well-being – healthcare itself and the development of a corporate culture. How can the attractiveness of blood donation be enhanced in the corporate environment? Why don’t employers make blood donation a mandatory component of corporate culture? What would be a good solution to this problem in the opinion of business people? What positive corporate donation practices could be cited as a successful example and how does this affect efficiency? What tools can the Russian Red Cross offer to the business community?
Olesya Nazarova — Head, Department of Medical and Social Programmes, Russian Red Cross
Dmitry Afanasyev — Advisor to the Novgorod Region Governor; Founder, First IT Alliance; Chairman of the Board of Directors, BP MED
Dmitry Bazhenov — Deputy General Director for Commerce, State Specialized Design Institute
Oksana Kritikova — Director, Corporate Culture and Employer Brand Department, T Plus
Elena Myakotnikova — 
Born in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Kamchatka Territory.
She graduated from Ordzhonikidze State Management Academy in “Global Economics”.
1993–1995: Finance Director, AOZT Salvis.
1995–2000: Various posts at Arthur Andersen / Ernst and Young.
2000–2009: Financial controller, head of internal audit, Finance Director, Sonic Duo (MegaFon Moscow).
2009–2010: Vice-President of Finance, OOO Holding Company Rosgosstrakh.
2010–2012: Worked for AFK Sistema (Executive Vice-President for finance and investments at OAO AFK Sistema, Deputy General Director, head of finance, investments, and economics at OAO RTI).
2012: Adviser to the Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
2013–2017: Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for State Property Management.
She holds the Russian Federation Civil Service grade rank of Third Class Active State Adviser of the Russian Federation.
Since April 25, 2017: Corporate Director of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.
Alexandra Rodionova — Director, Department of Medical Care for Children, Obstetrics and Public Health Services, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation