Business Programme

5 March 10:00–11:30
 Digital Business Space, hall 1
Ensuring Drug Security: A Strategic Priority for the State and Business in the Public’s Interests
Healthy Life Ensuring national drug security is one of the key strategic goals of the state, which is responsible for the health and safety of its citizens. Some of the key aspects of this strategy involve offering state guarantees to provide society with affordable, high-quality, and effective drugs in the event of any fluctuations in the global political situation, as well as ensuring the sustainable development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical infrastructure, technological leadership, and innovative drug import substitution, while also maintaining a policy of constructive international cooperation based on uniform humanitarian principles and a common vision of development strategies. Implementing the drug security strategy requires the consolidated efforts of the government, expert community, and business. What objectives are on the current agenda of the drug regulation system to improve its mechanisms? What challenges shape the medium-term and long-term drug security strategies? What results has Russia achieved in developing its domestic pharmaceutical industry and how do they help meet the needs of the national drug supply system? What legislative initiatives and regulatory mechanisms today ensure uninterrupted access to modern, high-quality drugs for Russians, and how effective and resilient are they in the face of challenges? How much trust does the public have in drug security in Russia? How does the balance of interests of the state and business help to achieve national drug security?
Alla Samoylova — Head, Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor)
Born in Cheboksary.
1990: Graduated from the Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov with a degree in medicine.
2002: Awarded with the badge “Excellent Worker of Public Health”.
2007: Honored doctor of the Chuvash Republic.
2010: Doctor of Science in medicine.
2012: Professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
1987-1990 – nurse, obstetrician-gynecologist at the industrial hospitals in Cheboksary.
1990-1993 – Full-time postgraduate study at Chuvash State University.
1993-1994 - Assistant at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Chuvash State University.
1994-2012 – Chief Doctor of the Presidential Perinatal Center of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Chuvash Republic.
2010-2017 – Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after G. M. Vorontsova, of the Chuvash State University.
2012-2015 – Deputy Chair at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic - Minister of Health and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic.
2015-2017 – Minister of Health of the Chuvash Republic.
2018-2019 – Adviser to the Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.
2019-2020 – Head of the Department of State Control of Implementation of State Healthcare Programs, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.
2020 – Director of the Project Activities Department, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Since April 10, 2020 - Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare.
Valentina Kosenko — Acting General Director, Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Dmitry Kudlay — Vice President for the Introduction of New Medical Technologies, Generium
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy General Director of JSC GENERIUM, Deputy Dean for Innovation and Translational Work of the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Pharmacy, Sechenov Moscow State Medical University under the Ministry of Health of Russia, leading researcher at the State Scientific Center Institute of Immunology, FMBA of Russia.
Honorary Chemist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology. Awarded the Medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I and II degrees.
A native of the city of Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.
- Novosibirsk State Medical University, Medicine faculty.
- Moscow Pedagogical State University, Foreign languages.
Currently holds a senior position in the biotechnology company GENERIUM, which develops and produces innovative and reproduced medicines used in various areas of healthcare.
He is a leading specialist in the field of fundamental and practical medical biotechnology, immunobiology, molecular diagnostics and cell therapy.
The practical area of his activity is development, scaling up of production and implementation of therapeutic proteins and advanced therapy medical products for diagnosis and treatment of severe socially significant diseases.
Author of 489 scientific papers, including 18 monographs and practical guides, as well as 9 patents for inventions. Hirsch index according to RSCI equals to 38. Member of the editorial board of 8 scientific journals.
He is a member of:
- National Association of Rare Disease Experts,
- National Association of Experts in the Field of Primary Immunodeficiencies,
- National Association of Specialists in Thrombosis, Clinical Hemostasiology and Hemorheology,
- FABA (Federation of Asian Biotechnology Associations),
- EBTNA (European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association),
- ERS (European Respiratory Society).
Actively implements scientific achievements, being:
- Deputy Chairman of the Council for the priority direction “20c” of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation “Transition to personalized medicine, high-tech healthcare and health-saving technologies, including through the rational use of medicines” under the President of the Russian Federation,
- Expert of the Council for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia regarding innovative products,
- Co-author of the state programs of the Strategy for the Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Russian Federation “Pharma 2020” and “Pharma 2030”,
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF),
- Member of the Council of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences on personalized medicine,
- Member of the interdepartmental council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on scientific substantiation and support of the pharmaceutical policy of the Russian Federation,
- Member of the Expert Council of the Sirius University of Science and Technology and the Sirius Educational Center.
Ekaterina Priezzheva — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Vikram Singh Punia — President, Pharmasyntez Group of Companies
Born on March 15, 1973 in Jaipur, India. Russian citizen.
Graduated from Birla High School in Pilani. In 1992 started his higher education in Russia, at Irkutsk State Medical University. Later graduated from the Far Eastern Federal University, majoring in Finance and Credit. Married, with three children.
Founder of Pharmasyntez, member of the Leaders’ Club to Promote Business Initiatives (a non-profit partnership), Co-Chairman of the Business Council for Cooperation with India, participant in several investment forums and business missions.
Pharmasyntez manufactures medicinal drugs for socially significant diseases, such as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, cancer, hepatitis and diabetes. The company’s profile includes over 113 various pharmaceutical forms and dosages – caps, pills, granules, IV solutions, sterile dry powders, solutions for injection and lyophilisates. Currently Pharmasyntez has five GMP compliant manufacturing facilities in the following Russian cities: Saint Petersburg, Tyumen, Bratsk, Irkutsk and Ussuriysk. The company employs over 1500 qualified specialists.
Pharmasyntez was number one Russian pharmaceutical manufacturer based on hospital purchases in 2016 (and No. 5 out of all pharmaceutical manufacturers, based on hospital purchases records). In 2016 it also became the fastest growing Russian manufacturing company with the revenue of 12 billion, which has doubled in comparison with 2014.
Currently Pharmasyntez is Russia’s leader in manufacturing medicinal agents for tuberculosis, retrovirus and cancer. Farmasintez does innovative R&D and exports pharmaceutical agents from Russia. The company is Irkutsk’s biggest tax payer.
Ekaterina Chaban — Head of Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Director for Promising Areas, State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom
Tadzio Schilling — Chief Executive Officer, Association of European Businesses (АЕВ)
On May 1, 2020, Tadzio Schilling took office as the CEO of the Association of European Businesses (AEB).

Mr. Schilling was elected by representatives of the AEB’s member companies at the Annual General Meeting on March 17, 2020. He replaces Dr. Frank Schauff, who had headed the AEB since 2007 and was re-elected to a fourth term in 2016.

Tadzio Schilling holds an MA in International Relations and an advanced MA in International History and Politics from the Graduate Institute Geneva, as well as an Executive MPA from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

In his professional career, he has worked in various finance, HR, and sales functions for companies such as Zurich Cantonal Bank, Dell Inc., Wesser & Partner, and FirstClimate. He has also worked as a researcher and lecturer in Russian Studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Before joining the AEB, he served as Deputy Head of Economic Affairs, Finance, and Science at the Swiss Embassy, then as Inbound Business Development Leader and Head of the German Business Center at EY.

He has also served as Chairman of the AEB SME Committee and a Board Member of the Joint Chambers of Commerce Switzerland-CIS.

Tadzio speaks German, English, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, and some Chinese.
Lyudmila Scherbakova — President, Bright Way Group of Companies; member of the Russian party, BRICS Women's Business Alliance
5 March 10:00–11:30
 Digital Business Space, Small hall
Modern Technologies in the Medicine of the Future: CAR-T Cell Therapy
Healthy Life As part of New Health Preservation Technologies National Project, the Russian government has set the ambitious task of developing cellular technologies that ensure a personalized approach to combatting life-threatening diseases that are the most difficult to treat. The innovative nature of cellular therapy poses difficult questions for the healthcare system in terms of its role in the approaches used to treat each individual patient and requires a revision of regulatory processes, as well as an understanding of how such treatment will be funded. The solution to these key problems will determine whether Russian medical science will be able to become one of the global leaders in the development of advanced cellular technologies, as well as the success of the healthcare system’s transformation towards personalized medicine. CAR-T cell therapy is a promising and rapidly developing area of adoptive immunotherapy as a personalized method for the treatment of malignant diseases, which involves using the patient’s own immune cells to combat an existing oncological disease. The result is impressive: when all existing methods of blood cancer therapy prove ineffective, CAR-T cell therapy not only helps to ensure a response in patients, but in some cases to achieve stable remission. How is CAR-T cell therapy altering the approach to the treatment of cancer and other diseases? What are some of the fundamental trends in the legal regulation of CAR-T cell therapy in Russia? What methods and tools are needed to actively introduce the latest technologies in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of oncological diseases?
Aleksandr Rumyantsev — President, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology,Oncology and Immunology
Alexander Rumyantsev, born in 1947, is a Russian Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of the Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, member of the Board of the ‘Doctors, Innovation and Science for Children’ Foundation that supports the development of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, chief consulting pediatric hematologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia, President of the National Society of Pediatric Hematologists and Oncologists, Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Experts in Primary Immunodeficiency, Vice President of the National Medical Chamber, Honorary Professor of the Department of Oncology and Hematology of the School of Pediatrics of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Graduated with honours from the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov in 1971.
Alexander Rumyantsev is an active facilitator of medical science and practice. For years he headed the RSMU scientific programmes on leukemia in humans and animals of the USSR Committee for Science and Technology and research on rectifying the consequences of Chernobyl disaster, was a member of the Academic Council of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health of the USSR on pediatrics, hematology and oncology. From 1989 to the present day he has been a Chairman of the hematology section of the Moscow Society of Pediatric Physicians. He is a participant of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster elimination team (1986–1987), ‘Children of Chernobyl’ research programme facilitator in the USSR (1990–1991) and in Russia (1991–1995). Rumyantsev for twenty five years has led pediatric hematology/oncology services in Russia, the process of preparation and adoption of the industry development and financing programme, successful treatment of leukemia, malignant lymphomas, brain tumours, other neoplasms in children and adolescents, setting up a course on pediatric hematology/oncology in the School of Continuing Medical Education in RSMU (the Department of Clinical Hematology/Oncology and Immunology of the School of Continuing Medical Education in RSMU since 2004, and the Department of Oncology and Hematology of the School of Pediatrics of the RSMU), the groundwork for academic programme, the training and certification of pediatric hematologists/oncologists in the Russian Federation.
As a researcher, Alexander Rumyantsev is known for his works in pediatric hematology and immunology, medical ecology, intensive and outpatient pediatrics, adolescent medicine and organization of public health, clinical physiology and pathophysiology of blood, regulation of hematopoiesis and immune response, pathogenesis and treatment of hereditary and evoked blood diseases in children, intensive polychemotherapy and immunotherapy of leukemia. Alexander Rumyantsev is the author of more than 650 scientific papers, including 45 monographs and manuals. He is a member of the Scientific Council and the head of the scientific platform ‘Oncology’ of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Blood Service in Russia journal, a member of editorial boards of the following journals: Pediatrics, Russian Pediatric Journal, Issues of Practical Pediatrics, Issues of Dietary Therapy In Pediatrics, Issues of Hematology/Oncology And Immunopathology In Pediatrics, Hematology And Transfusiology, Russian Journal of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, School of Health, Russian Journal of Immunology; member of the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Russian Federation; member of the National Council of Experts on Rare Diseases, advised 70 doctors and 128 candidates of medical sciences. Honourable Laureate of the Russian National Research Medical University awards (1978, 1983, 1994, 2007), of the Maslov Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1978), of the Moscow Komsomol (1979) for the research in hematology and immunology. He was awarded with a participant’s diploma and a silver medal of the VDNKh (All-Union Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) (1989) for development of diagnostics and immunotherapy of blood diseases in children, and with an honorary medal of the University of Montpellier (France, 1990). In 1994 he was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples for his scientific and academic work, in 2002 – the Honorary Diplomas of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Moscow City Duma, in 2003 and 2015 – ‘The Calling’ Award for the best doctors in Russia, in 2004 – the medal ‘For Merits in Healthcare’, in 2007 – Excellent Worker of Public Health badge. In 2008 and 2011 he received the medical awards from the Moscow government, in 2013 – the International Galien Award. In 2015 he was awarded the Glory of Ossetia Order and the Russian Emergencies Ministry (EMERCOM) medal ‘Cooperation for Salvation’.
Married with two children and five grandchildren.
Apollinaria Bogolyubova-Kuznetsova — Head of the Laboratory of Transplantation Immunology, National Medical Research Center for Hematology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Maschan — Deputy General Director - Director of the Institute of Hematology, Immunology and Cell Technologies, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre of Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Immunology
Mr. Maschan graduated Paediatric Department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.
In 2003, he became Head of General Haematology Department of Russian Children's Clinical Hospital.
Since 2009 he is Head of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Department of Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre of Paediatric Haematology, Oncology and Immunology.
In 2016 Mr. Maschan became Deputy General Director of the Centre.
His scientific interests lie in the field of paediatric blood diseases research, innovative therapy methods development and implementation, including cell immunotherapy of tumours in children. He is the author of more than 100 articles on paediatric haematology and oncology.
Scientific biography of Mr. Maschan:

Course / Organization
Major / Academic degree

1992-1998 Paediatric Faculty of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.
1998-2000 Clinical residency in paediatrics
Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre
paediatric physician
2000 Primary specialization in haematology
Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre
2007 Thesis: Comparative Evaluation of Immunoglobulin Antithymocyte Medication Efficiency for Treating Children with Acquired Aplastic Anaemia. Academic Council of Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre
PhD in 1) haematology and blood transfusion
2) paediatrics
2011 Thesis: Molecular-genetic Diagnostics and Differential Therapy of Histiocytic Proliferous Diseases in Children
Academic Council of Dmitry Rogachev National Research Centre
Postdoctoral Degree in
1) haematology and blood transfusion
2) paediatrics
Irina Panarina — General Manager, AstraZeneca Russia and Eurasia
Since May 2017 Irina Panarina has been appointed to the position of General Manager of AstraZeneca, Russia and Eurasia. Irina is responsible for AstraZeneca business in Russia & Eurasia Area and she leads AstraZeneca Russia.
Irina Panarina has worked for AstraZeneca since 2009. In October 2015 Irina joined the Russian team as Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Business Unit Head. Before coming to Russia, Irina Panarina held the position of General Manager at AstraZeneca Ukraine.
Prior to joining AstraZeneca Irina held regional roles at GSK Pharma headquarters in London, UK.
Irina Panarina has work experience in marketing, product portfolio management, people development.
Irina Panarina has degrees from Newcastle University & South Bank University. She also holds MBA degree from INSEAD Business School.
Marina Popova — Founder, Advanced Gene and Cell Technologies (AGCT)
5 March 10:00–11:30
 Digital Business Space, hall 2
Psychological Support for Families: Best Practices
Healthy Life In an effort to ensure maternal and child welfare, assist families with children, and address demographic challenges, the Russian government significantly increased the scope of state support in 2023 by adopting a number of measures, including the active development of infrastructure and social services. A crucial objective in this regard is the provision of medical, social, and psychological support for women at all stages of motherhood – from making a reproductive choice to the birth of the child, as well as the period following the child’s birth. Parents expecting a baby have to deal with major changes in their usual way of life and interpersonal relationships. Effective practices to support the health and psychological well-being of the mother, family, and child, including specialized assistance, treatment, preventive programmes, as well as medical, psychological, and psychotherapeutic assistance, help to get through this challenging period of life without any crises, while also maintaining love, mutual support, respect, and trust within the family. Which regional practices have proven to be the most effective in ensuring maternal and child welfare? What innovative technologies and social programmes to support the psychological health of pregnant women and young parents are the most effective today? How does professional assistance help support the health and psychological well-being of the mother and the family? How important is a conducive psychological environment within the family during the first months after a child’s birth? What social and legal information aid is needed to support motherhood and childhood, as well as to strengthen modern families?
Rostislav Pavlov — Chief Physician, Gatchina Clinical Interdistrict Hospital
Nikolay Korobkov — Chief Physician, Regional Perinatal Center of the Leningrad Region; chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology of the Leningrad region
Georgy Kostyuk — Chief Physician, N.А. Alekseev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Moscow City Health Department; Chief Psychiatrist of the Moscow City Health Department
1988 - graduated from Zhytomyr Medical College, qualification - paramedic.
1988 - 1994 - Attendance at the Department of Medical Training for the Navy, Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov. In 1988 - 1994 - listened at the Department of training doctors in the Naval Military Medical Academy named after S.M.Kirov with the qualification of doctor.

1994 - 1996 - Specialist in the psychophysiological laboratory of the Navy training center (Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast), garrison psychiatrist. In 1999, he completed a clinical residency at the Department of Psychiatry, Military Medical Academy, and defended his master's thesis on "Long-term follow-up of schizophrenic patients discharged from the Armed Forces (from the standpoint of multi-axial diagnosis)" (specialty "psychiatry").
1999 - 2005. - Head of the Psychiatric Department of the Baltic Fleet General Hospital - Chief Psychiatrist of the Baltic Fleet (Kaliningrad). In 2008, on the basis of work in the Baltic Fleet, defended his doctoral thesis, "System of psychoprophylactic work in the Navy" (specializations: psychiatry and public health and health care).
2000-2005. - Lecturer for a course in forensic psychiatry at the Faculty of Law, Kaliningrad State University.
2005 to 2011, Deputy Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Law at Kaliningrad State University. - Deputy Head of the Department of Psychiatry, All-Russian Medical Academy. In 2011, he was awarded the title "Professor, Department of Psychiatry".
In 2011-2012 he was the head physician at the Psychiatric Clinic of the Moscow Medical Academy. - From 2011 to 2012 Dr. Kalinina was chief physician at the Gannushkin Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 4. From 2011 to 2012 she was chief physician at Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 4 named after P.B. Gannushkin, DZM. From 2012 to 2016 - chief physician of Psychiatric Clinical Hospital № 3 named after V.A. Gilyarovsky, DZM. Since 2016 - Chief physician at N.A. Alekseev Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No.1, DZM. Since 2016, the chief specialist psychiatrist of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow.

Laureate of the City of Moscow Prize in Medicine (2018) Badge of Honor "Excellence in Healthcare" (2019)
Order of Pirogov (2020)
Oksana Ryazanova — Head of the Department, St. Petersburg City Perinatal Center No. 1
Anna Savina — Founder, President, the Sila Slovo Foundation for Assistance to People with Dyslexia; member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Family Protection, Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood
Elena Semeleva — Deputy Head of the Administration of the Head of the Republic of Mordovia and the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
Natalia Semenova — Deputy Director for Scientific, Organizational and Methodological Work, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Irina Shuvalova — Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Rostov Region
5 March 12:00–13:30
 Digital Business Space, Great hall
Socially Significant Diseases: A Challenge for the Health of the Nation
Healthy Life In 2025, Russia began implementing the new Long and Active Life national project in an effort to achieve the national development goal of preserving the population, improving people’s health and well-being, and increasing life expectancy to 78 years by 2030 and 81 years by 2036. Given the current demographic challenges, reducing the burden of socially significant diseases is crucial since it allows for pursuing a strategic course towards active longevity and achieving accelerated growth in healthy life expectancy indicators. To achieve these objectives, the healthcare system is particularly focused on further reducing the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases by improving the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, as well as respiratory diseases, which make the greatest contribution to preventing disability and mortality. How can we make the fight against these diseases more effective? What innovations and modern medical technologies in the early diagnosis and treatment of key chronic non-communicable diseases could significantly reduce the burden of socially significant diseases? What initiatives in legislative regulation could help bolster measures to prevent chronic non-communicable diseases and their risks? How can we provide the public with greater preventive and medical care coverage in order to curb the spread of socially significant diseases?
Sergey Avdeev — Director, I.M. Sechenov National Medical Research Center for Pulmonology of the First Moscow Medical Doctor University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Chief Freelance Pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Batyr Berdyklychev — Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Russian Federation
Aleksei Bereznikov — Medical Director – Head of the Directorate of Medical Expertise, AlfaStrakhovanie-OMS
Evgeny Kamkin — Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Igor Tyurin — Chief freelance specialist in radiation and instrumental diagnostics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Deputy Director, Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Radiology, N.N. Blokhin Scientific Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Head of the Department of Radiology and Radiology, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Zhanna Khaylova — Deputy Director, A.F. Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center; Head, Center for Coordination of Activities of Institutions of the Regions of the Russian Federation in the Field of Radiology and Oncology
Evgeny Shilov — Chief Freelance Specialist Nephrologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Shlyakhto — General Director, Almazov National Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Chief Visiting Cardiologist Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto, Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology.
Professor Shlyakhto was born on June 29, 1954 in Pogar, the Bryansk region. He graduated from the Pavlov Medical University in Saint Petersburg in 1977 and became Doctor of Science in Medicine in 1992, Professor in 1994, Honored Russian Scientist in 2004, and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014.
Evgeny Shlyakhto has been the Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre since 2001 and the President of the Russian Society of Cardiology since 2011. In 2010, he became a member of the WHO Expert Working Group.
The Centre led by Prof. Shlyakhto carries out intensive research in the fields of translational medicine, molecular diagnostics, development of diagnostic tools for personalized treatment, cellular and tissue engineering for therapeutic purposes, creation of biocompatible materials and tissue-engineered constructs designed to create breakthrough medical technologies of fundamental importance for providing high-tech care to patients with cardiovascular, endocrine and blood diseases.
The results of research work by Prof. Shlyakhto have been summarized in more than 800 publications, 16 inventions, 2 scientific discoveries, and a number of monographs. Prof. Shlyakhto was a supervisor in 57 PhD and 20 DSc students..
Professor Shlyakhto is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science, the Presidential Council for Science and Education, the Regional Health Council under the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, the Expert Health Council of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy of the Russian Federal Assembly, Vice President of the National Medical Chamber.
Evgeny Shlyakhto is the Editor-in-Chief of the following medical journals: Russian Journal of Cardiology, Translational Medicine, and Journal of Arrhythmology. He also is a member of the international editorial board of the European Heart Journal.
Professor Shlyakhto plays an active role in such international committees as the ESC Congress Programme Committee (since 2012) and of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (since 2015).
Evgeny Shlyakhto received the Russian Federation Government Prize in science and technology in 2009 and won the Pavlov Award, the prize for scientific and technological achievement in Physiology and Medicine from the Saint Petersburg Government and St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2011. He received an Order of Honour in 2012 and 4th class Order of Merit for the Motherland in 2017.
5 March 12:00–13:30
 Digital Business Space, Small hall
Availability of Food Innovations: How Is the Functional Food Market Growing?
Healthy Life Nutrition can impact up to 50% of a person’s health, an enormous figure. Creating a culture of healthy eating and introducing innovative approaches in food production are crucial to strengthening a nation’s health. In 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation, in which one of the top priorities is the development of functional food products. Statistics show that more than 80% of Russians suffer from nutrient deficiency due to the excessive consumption of food with low nutritional value, especially refined and high-sugar foods. Such a diet can result in the development of non-communicable diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. Extensive cooperation between the government, business, and society is needed to raise people’s awareness of the principles of healthy eating and incorporate functional products into their daily lives. Taking this approach would be a crucial step towards improving people’s quality of life and strengthening the health of the nation. How is nutritional culture related to the development and, conversely, the prevention of non-communicable diseases? What is the value of functional nutrition for the health of the nation? How can we ensure the availability of food innovations for the Russian population? How can we optimize people’s diets in order to get the essential amount of nutrients on a daily basis? How does the availability of natural functional food in retail change the consumer food basket? How does the state’s policy regarding the production and sale of food products affect the development of the functional food market? What innovative developments created by scientists, retailers, and food manufacturers will be most in demand in the near future?
Victoria Dolgikh — Founder, General Director, Healthy Bread (Zdorovy Khleb); Chairman of the Board, Association of Functional Food and Ingredient Manufacturers
Victoria Vitalyevna Dolgikh is the founder and CEO of the small technological company Healthy Bread LLC - production of innovative functional food products.

Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Chairman of the Expert Council of Roskachevo on the development of the functional food market.

Chairman of the Board of the Association of Producers and Suppliers of Functional Foods and Ingredients (APP FFPI).

Member of the Council of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Member of the Expert Council on Public Health of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Committee on Health Protection.

As a public figure he actively develops the market of functional food products in Russia.

Winner in the nomination “Startup of the Year” 2024 of the city award “Recognition and Influence”.
Winner of the international award #MYVMOSTE 2021 in the nomination “Health of the Nation” of the track “Business”.
Winner of the Best Entrepreneur of St. Petersburg 2021 contest in the Innovative Development nomination
Olga Aprelikova — Founder, University of Educational Medicine
Olga Aprelikova is the President of the University of Educational Medicine (UOM) and co-founder of the PreventEra preventive healthcare ecosystem.

Her portfolio includes more than 50 commercial and social projects, ranging from educational and IT initiatives to the production of functional nutrition, dietary supplements, and cosmeceuticals.

She is a clinical psychologist, psychoanalytic business coach, co-author, and organizer of scientific research in the field of preventive medicine and infertility treatment.

A co-developer of professional standards for specialists in preventive medicine, she is also a well-known advocate for preventive medicine in Russia and the author of the channel «Health with Intelligence.»

In 2022, her initiative in the field of preventive medicine was recognized among the Top 100 Strong Ideas for the New Time at a national forum.

She is also the author of the book «Leadership in Career and Personal Life»
Oksana Drapkina — Director, National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Chief Visiting Specialist in Therapy and General Medical Practice of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of RAS
Oksana M. graduated from the MMA named after I. M. Sechenov in 1992. From 1992 to 1997 she worked in the intensive care unit of the clinic of internal diseases of MMA named after I. M. Sechenov. From 1997 to 2015 she worked at the Department of internal medicine propaedeutics First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, where she was promoted from Department assistant to Professor. In 2013, she was Awarded the Russian government prize in the field of education. In 2017 she was appointed to the position of Director of "NMRC PM" of the Ministry of health of Russia.
Professor Drapkina combines ongoing clinical work with research activities.
Awards: diploma of the Ministry of health of Russia, Laureate of the Russian Government prize in education, badge " excellence in health care».
There were defended 16 PhD theses and 1 dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical Sciences under the scientific guidance of O. M. Drapkina, more than 600 scientific article were published in domestic and foreign journals, 7 monographs, 10 textbooks
Yulia Mihaleva — Deputy Director, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo)
Olga Panova — President, Health of Our Children Union; Head, National School Milk Programme in Russia
Andrey Setko — Head of Food Hygiene Department, F.F. Erisman Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene
Vladimir Skvortsov — Director of the Department of Food and Processing Industry, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Sergey Tyuvetsky — Director of Quality, Trading House Perekrestok
Front row participants:
Natalia Zhilinskaya — Head of the Laboratory of Vitamins and Minerals, Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety
Tatyana Savenkova — Director, Research Institute of Quality, Safety and Technology of Specialized Food Products, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
5 March 12:00–13:30
 Digital Business Space, hall 1
How to Ensure the Availability of Drugs and Innovations for Diabetes Patients
Healthy Life The quality of life of diabetes patients depends on how quickly doctors can detect the disease, provide the patient with effective treatment, prevent the risk of complications, and reduce their progression when they occur. One of the most common complications of diabetes is problems with vision, for which targeted and timely treatment can prevent the further development of complications, reduce the risk of disability, and improve the quality of life of patients. The system used to ensure the availability of drugs for people suffering from this disease helps to treat diabetes and prevent any related complications. The future for patients with diabetes largely depends on the development of effective innovative pharmacotherapy and how quickly the latest developments and technologies can be incorporated into medical care standards. What opportunities exist today to improve drug provision for patients with ophthalmological complications from diabetes? What are some of the unique aspects of providing drugs for such patients? What solutions to increase the availability of drugs for patients with diabetes could significantly improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the prevalence of the disease and its complications?
Evelina Zakamskaya — TV Presenter, Russia 24 TV Channel; Chief Editor, Doctor TV Channel
Evelina Zakamskaya was born on November 17, 1977, in Baku, and graduated from the Faculty of Philology at Tver State University. She is a presenter for Radio Mayak and for Mir, a television and radio company. Since 2006, she has been an anchor for television channel Russia 24. She writes and presents Mnenie (Opinion), a talk show covering social and political issues, and Idei, menyayushchie mir (World-Changing Ideas), a series of popular science programmes. Evelina Zakamskaya moderates Russia 24 sessions at major international forums. Since 2017 - Editor-in-Chief, Doctor Channel. She is married with two daughters.
Sergey Glagolev — Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation
Yury Zhulev — President, Russian Hemophilia Society; co-chairman, All-Russian Patients' Union
In 1985, graduated from the school number 856 (Moscow).
In 1991, graduated from the Moscow State Law University.
In 1989, he was elected Vice President of Hemophilia Association (later renamed Hemophilia Society) that was established the same year.
Since 1993, he was the President of the Hemophilia Society.
In 2000, at the founding congress of the Russian Hemophilia Society he was elected its President, and he still holds this position.
In 2002–2004, he was a board member of the European Hemophilia Consortium and member of the World Federation of Hemophilia. He was named ‘Best volunteer’ of the World Federation of Hemophilia for his active work in CIS countries.
At present, he also holds the following positions:
• Co-chairman of the Russian Union of Patients Public Societies;
• Member of Commission for the Disabled under President of the Russian Federation;
• Head of the working group for improvement of the state sociomedical assessment system and monitoring of implementation of decisions made for the Commission for the Disabled under President of the Russian Federation;
• Co-chair of the Council of public agencies for patients’ rights for the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
• Deputy Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
• Member of Council of public agencies for patients’ rights for Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare;
• Member of Moscow’s regional department of All-Russia People's Front.
Yury Zhulyov was awarded with an honorary certificate by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, an honorary certificate by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development.
Natalia Mokrysheva — Director, Head of the Department of Personalized and Translational Medicine, National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Ekaterina Priezzheva — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
5 March 14:00–15:30
 Digital Business Space, hall 1
Anyone Can Provide Help by Donating Blood
Healthy Life Doctors have used the components and preparations of donor blood and plasma for decades to combat blood loss, ensure safe obstetrics and surgeries, treat heart defects and blood diseases, and transplant organs and tissues. Healthcare institutions are seeing an ever-increasing need for components and preparations of donor blood to solve the problem of replacing imports of blood products in Russia and actively develop medical science, which creates new promising methods of treatment. Donating blood provides an invaluable contribution to saving human lives, which can also benefit the donor. Innovative approaches and support measures are being used to effectively organize and promote blood donations in Russia, including both the primary goals of ensuring safety and using advanced equipment at blood transfusion stations and in transfusion therapy rooms, as well as educational goals of strategic importance. Nowadays, there are various bonuses, incentive systems, and unique educational practices for donors, while socially responsible businesses, non-profit organizations, and the government have created flexible conditions for cooperation in blood donations. The development and introduction of state social support measures to increase donations has produced a significant result: the number of donors in Russia is increasing each year and surpassed 1.5 million people in 2023, largely due to socially active young people in the 18-35 age group. What successful awareness and educational projects does Russia have today to promote knowledge about blood and plasma donation? What innovative approaches to enhancing the effectiveness of donation are being implemented at existing blood banks and transfusion therapy rooms? What regulatory issues are crucial for the development of blood donation in Russia? What innovative developments in the use of donor blood and plasma will change medicine in the near future? How can we effectively build interaction between the government, society, science, and business in order to improve blood donations
Yury Zhulev — President, Russian Hemophilia Society; co-chairman, All-Russian Patients' Union
In 1985, graduated from the school number 856 (Moscow).
In 1991, graduated from the Moscow State Law University.
In 1989, he was elected Vice President of Hemophilia Association (later renamed Hemophilia Society) that was established the same year.
Since 1993, he was the President of the Hemophilia Society.
In 2000, at the founding congress of the Russian Hemophilia Society he was elected its President, and he still holds this position.
In 2002–2004, he was a board member of the European Hemophilia Consortium and member of the World Federation of Hemophilia. He was named ‘Best volunteer’ of the World Federation of Hemophilia for his active work in CIS countries.
At present, he also holds the following positions:
• Co-chairman of the Russian Union of Patients Public Societies;
• Member of Commission for the Disabled under President of the Russian Federation;
• Head of the working group for improvement of the state sociomedical assessment system and monitoring of implementation of decisions made for the Commission for the Disabled under President of the Russian Federation;
• Co-chair of the Council of public agencies for patients’ rights for the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
• Deputy Chairman of the Public Council of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
• Member of Council of public agencies for patients’ rights for Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare;
• Member of Moscow’s regional department of All-Russia People's Front.
Yury Zhulyov was awarded with an honorary certificate by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, an honorary certificate by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development.
Inna Kulikova — Director of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Risk Management of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Victoria Manakova — Director of Business Development, Skopinfarm
Anton Melnikov — Managing Partner, Creative Director, EMG (EMG: creative marketing communications agency)
Olesya Nazarova — Deputy Executive Director for Programs, All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Red Cross"
Alexander Pshennikov — Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region
Marina Safronkina — President, Penza Regional Organization of the All-Russian Hemophilia Society
5 March 14:00–15:30
 Digital Business Space, Small hall
The Health of All is the Health of Each
Healthy Life Life expectancy in Russia is projected to be at least 78 years by 2030. Modern approaches and technologies in medicine and health protection offer people unique opportunities to maintain an active and healthy life for many years. This involves comprehensive, systemic work in which not only health experts, but also representatives of socially responsible businesses, the government, and the citizens themselves should actively take part. The key components for creating an accessible environment to protect people’s health are the use of modern approaches to health management at the regional and municipal levels, including comprehensive preventive health measures for different groups of the population; the creation of effective strategies to modify risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases; the implementation of effective social and corporate programmes to improve physical and mental well-being, particularly for the working population most susceptible to stress and bad habits; and the creation of the conditions needed for people to actively engage in sport. What is a prerequisite for creating an accessible, inclusive environment for a healthy lifestyle in Russia? Which approaches to health management at the regional and municipal levels have proven to be the most effective? How can we expand methods for preventing and modifying risk factors for the development of non-communicable diseases and promote them on a national scale? How do the joint efforts of the state, as well as the scientific, patient, and business communities, affect the creation of a sustainable ecosystem of universal health in Russia?
Aleksandr Rozanov — Director, Association of Medical Specialists on Risk Modification
Vladimir Beketov — Associate Professor of the Department of Internal, Occupational Diseases and Rheumatology, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Konstantin Zvonik — 
Natalia Kostenko — Head of Medical Activities Management, Central Healthcare Directorate, Russian Railways
Natalya Kostenko is the Head of the Department of Medical Care at the Central Healthcare Directorate (a branch of Russian Railways).
A qualified doctor, Natalya Kostenko graduated from Vladivostok State Medical University in 1996 with a degree in medical and preventive care.
From 2003, Dr. Kostenko was employed in the system of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. In February 2007, she was hired by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, where she worked her way up from chief specialist to Director of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Health Risk Management.
During her time at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Kostenko proved herself to be a highly competent expert in public health and healthcare organization, human environment protection, disease prevention, and other healthcare-related issues.
In July 2020, she was appointed Head of the Department for the Planning and Organization of Medical Care at the Central Healthcare Directorate (a branch of Russian Railways).
Dr. Kostenko is the recipient of numerous awards for her consistently high performance and professionalism and her years of impeccable work, including: the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” (2019); the “Excellent Health Worker” badge (2012); official letters of gratitude from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation (2008 and 2017); certificates of merit from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2009 and 2016); a Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2010); a Certificate of Merit from Russian Railways (2021); a letter of gratitude from the Governor of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for her assistance in implementing a set of measures to eliminate the locus of an anthrax outbreak (2016); an anniversary commemorative plaque to mark the 100th anniversary of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces (2018); and the RZD Medicine Silver Badge of Distinction (2021).
Dr. Kostenko has worked in the healthcare system for over 18 years, over 14 of which have been in the civil service. She holds the Russian Federation Civil Service grade rank of III Class Active State Adviser of the Russian Federation. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences.
Larisa Popovich — Director, Institute for Health Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Education: MSU (Higher nervous activity biologist-physiologist), Academy of the National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (Economics, finance and insurance), the Federal Supervision Service for Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Public health and organisation of healthcare), CSc (biology). Has been a WHO expert.
Up to 1997: worked at scientific institutions of the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medical Sciences.
1997–2009: ROSNO-MS insurance company (Senior Deputy General Director, member of the Board of Directors).
Since 2009: the Higher School of Economics National Research University (expert, scientific and educational activities). Key clients: Government of the RF and authorities of constituent entities of the RF.
Experience of public work:
• Member of the Expert Council of the Russian Government.
• Expert of the Strategic Initiative Agency.
• Head of working group of the Co-ordinating Committee for Public-private Partnership, Ministry of Health of the RF.
• Head of commission of the Public Council under the Federal Supervision Service for Healthcare of the Russian Federation (Roszdravnadzor).
Professional interests:
• organisation and economic of healthcare;
• modern medical and social technologies;
• social and medical insurance;
• provision of medicines and medical equipment;
• public-private partnership in the social sphere.
Tatiana Shestakova — Executive Director, "Healthy Cities, Districts and Towns" Association; Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
5 March 14:00–15:30
 Digital Business Space, hall 2
The Digital Era of Medicine: Smart Services and the Introduction of Artificial Intelligence
Healthy Life Developing digital medicine is a top priority for improving the quality of the national healthcare system. Specialized metauniverses and ecosystems, telemedicine platforms, smart services and gadgets that use virtual reality, and artificial intelligence all open up new opportunities to maintain and prolong people’s health. High-tech equipment that uses innovative software can achieve breakthroughs in making accurate diagnostics and providing medical procedures of varying complexity. Digital technologies that are integrated into the healthcare system can ensure continuous health monitoring and the prompt exchange of information between patients and healthcare professionals, serve as assistants for doctors, and contribute to the preventive battle against non-communicable diseases by getting people involved in managing their own health, as well as expanding and promoting medical literacy among the population. What problems are smart services and artificial intelligence solving in healthcare today? What challenges stand in the way of the progressive development of digital medicine in Russia and around the world? How can we effectively incorporate artificial intelligence technologies into practical medicine? What support measures are needed to improve the quality of digital medical services in Russia? How will humans and personal digital assistants interact in healthcare in the future? What strategies are essential today in terms of modernizing the healthcare system with the introduction of innovative digital services and artificial intelligence?
Alena Rogozina — Special Correspondent, Russia-1 TV Channel
Monish Arora — Director of Healthcare Practice, Yakov and Partners
Vasiliy Korol — Director of Data and Digital Technologies, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Anna Mesheryakova — Chief Executive Officer, Third Opinion Platform
Ilya Tyrov — Deputy Head, Moscow City Health Department
Olga Tsareva — Deputy Chair, Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund (FOMS)
Evgeny Shlyakhto — General Director, Almazov National Medical Research Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Chief Visiting Cardiologist Specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Professor Evgeny Shlyakhto, Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, President of the Russian Society of Cardiology, Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology.
Professor Shlyakhto was born on June 29, 1954 in Pogar, the Bryansk region. He graduated from the Pavlov Medical University in Saint Petersburg in 1977 and became Doctor of Science in Medicine in 1992, Professor in 1994, Honored Russian Scientist in 2004, and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014.
Evgeny Shlyakhto has been the Director General of the Almazov National Medical Research Centre since 2001 and the President of the Russian Society of Cardiology since 2011. In 2010, he became a member of the WHO Expert Working Group.
The Centre led by Prof. Shlyakhto carries out intensive research in the fields of translational medicine, molecular diagnostics, development of diagnostic tools for personalized treatment, cellular and tissue engineering for therapeutic purposes, creation of biocompatible materials and tissue-engineered constructs designed to create breakthrough medical technologies of fundamental importance for providing high-tech care to patients with cardiovascular, endocrine and blood diseases.
The results of research work by Prof. Shlyakhto have been summarized in more than 800 publications, 16 inventions, 2 scientific discoveries, and a number of monographs. Prof. Shlyakhto was a supervisor in 57 PhD and 20 DSc students..
Professor Shlyakhto is a member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science, the Presidential Council for Science and Education, the Regional Health Council under the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, the Expert Health Council of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy of the Russian Federal Assembly, Vice President of the National Medical Chamber.
Evgeny Shlyakhto is the Editor-in-Chief of the following medical journals: Russian Journal of Cardiology, Translational Medicine, and Journal of Arrhythmology. He also is a member of the international editorial board of the European Heart Journal.
Professor Shlyakhto plays an active role in such international committees as the ESC Congress Programme Committee (since 2012) and of the ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (since 2015).
Evgeny Shlyakhto received the Russian Federation Government Prize in science and technology in 2009 and won the Pavlov Award, the prize for scientific and technological achievement in Physiology and Medicine from the Saint Petersburg Government and St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2011. He received an Order of Honour in 2012 and 4th class Order of Merit for the Motherland in 2017.
Front row participant:
Valeria Lemeshko — Head of the Department for Healthcare Development and Interaction with Federal Government Authorities, Roche-Moscow
5 March 16:00–17:30
 Digital Business Space, Small hall
Final of the ‘Technologies for Human Health’ National Competition of Scientific Projects
Healthy Life Decree No. 309 of the President of the Russian Federation dated 7 May 2024 ‘On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2030 and Long-Term until 2036’ defines the country’s national goals, including as it pertains to preserving the population, strengthening people’s health and improving their well-being, and supporting families. The life expectancy of a country’s citizens is a key indicator of their quality of life. Increasing life expectancy requires a combination of accessibility (including at the regional level) to basic medical care, primary care, as well as improvements to the quality of high-tech care. This problem cannot be solved exclusively using medical methods; we must promote a healthy lifestyle, as well as develop and introduce various health protection technologies. The ‘Technologies for Human Health’ National Competition of Scientific Projects was held for the first time in Russia to identify the most promising science-intensive technologies that could help ensure public health and create infrastructure for their incorporation into healthcare. The main goal of the competition is to provide comprehensive support to research teams that are creating innovative biotechnologies to improve people’s health. Young scientists, research teams, and employees from scientific and R&D organizations as well as universities were invited to participate in the competition. More than 50 regions of Russia and 143 research teams took part in the competition. An expert examination of their projects was conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences and leading organizations in health service practices. The 18 best works made it to the final round. During the session, research teams will present their technologies and compete for the top spot. The expert panel of judges will include members of the Department of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and representatives of the N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, the Research Institute for Healthcare and Medical Management, the RC-Medicine Foundation, and the Women for a Healthy Society project.
Igor Abrosimov — Executive Director, RK-Medicine Foundation
Elena Aksenova — Director, Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department
Elena Aksenova has been working at the Research Institute since December 2018.
Educated at Moscow State Pedagogical University, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
She worked as Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health. She was Deputy Head of the Department of Innovative Development of Medical Science of RAMS, Head of the Expert Analytical Department of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Before assuming the position of Director of the Research Institute for Innovative Development of Medical Science of the DSMH, she was the Head of the Center for Strategic Planning of Science Development, Expertise and Scientific Advice of the RAS.
Svetlana Braun — Assistant Head, Moscow City Health Department
Alexander Zudin — Director, National Research Institute of Public Health
Evgeniy Klovach — General Director, ENGINEERING+
Denis Protsenko — Chief Visiting Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of Moscow Healthcare Department; Director, Moscow Multidisciplinary Clinical Center "Kommunarka"
Alexander Razumov — President, Union of Organizations and Specialists in the Field of Health Management “Health of the Healthy” (Union “Health of the Healthy”); Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences
President of State-Owned Autonomous Medical Facility Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Reconstructive and Sports Medicine of the Moscow Department of Healthcare, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine Alexander Rasumov was born in 1944 in Sheperovo, Chaussky District, Mogilev Region. From 1960 to 1970, he studied at the Chernigov Higher School for Air Force Pilots and Engineers and the Grodno Institute of Medicine and the Saratov Institute of Medicine. From 1970 to 1990, he worked at the Defence Ministry’s Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine. From 1990 to 1992: Director, Research and Production Centre Rabotosposobnost of the USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction. From 1992 to 1998: CEO, Moscow Centre for Health Problems under the Government of Moscow. From 1998 to 2010: Director, Federal State-Owned Institution Russian Research Centre for Rehabilitative Medicine and Resorts of the Ministry of Healthcare. Holds the title of Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, President of the International University of Rehabilitative Medicine, of the National Resort Association and of the Russian Society of Rehabilitative Medical Doctors, member of the Board of the National Medical Chamber, member of the Russian-German Council, Professor Emeritus of Liverpool University, Russian representative in and member of the WHO European Committee for Global Health Policy, Chairman of the FEMTEC Medical Commission. Alexander Rasumov led the drafting and approval of the Concept for State Policy on Resort Development in the Russian Federation. He has been decorated with the Order of Service to Motherland in the Armed Forces 3rd Degree, the Order of Friendship, the Medal for Valiance in Combat, etc. Aleander Rasumovis a laureate of the Profession Life international prize, the Mikhail Lomonosov Prize in the field of Science and Education and the Russian Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development Russia’s Best Doctor: The Mission prize, recipient of a diploma of the N.A. Semashko Russian Academy of Medical Sciences prize for the best paper on the theory and history of healthcare.
Inna Svyatenko — Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Starodubov — Academician-Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Anastasia Stolkova — Member of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on Healthcare; Director, RK-Medicine Foundation; First Deputy Head of the Directorate for Development, Roscongress Foundation
First Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Development, Director of the Healthcare Directorate of the Roscongress Foundation, Head of the Healthy Life and Women for a Healthy Society projects.

Public figure, member of the Regional Health Council of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum, public representative of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives.


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Master's degree in Economics, International Finance and Banking programme.

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Master's degree in Public Health, Institute of Leadership and Health Management.

Since 2018, she has served as the Head of Healthcare at the Roscongress Foundation and is the creator of the Healthy Life project, which has become the primary platform for healthcare discussions at key business events, including the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Eastern Economic Forum, and others. Over the years, the Healthy Life project has evolved into a multidisciplinary platform for national and international cooperation between government authorities and expert communities to collaboratively explore practical proposals for addressing critical healthcare issues. The Healthy Life Forum is held annually (in 2023, it was conducted as a summit of health ministers from CIS countries).

Since 2021, she has been managing the leading industry event, ‘Ensuring Drug Security’ Russian Pharmaceutical Forum, within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

In 2021, she launched the Women for a Healthy Society project with the goal of uniting women who are involved in social projects within the health sector. This initiative is being carried out with the support of the Council of the Eurasian Women's Forum. The Women for a Healthy Society project is primarily focused on strengthening the values of health and the institution of the family in the Russian Federation. It aims to support initiatives led by women in the social sphere, which promote healthy lifestyles, provide assistance to motherhood and childhood, and offer support to the older generation.

In 2020, she received a letter of thanks from the President of the Russian Federation for her active participation in the preparation and organization of the Russia–Africa Summit and Economic Forum in 2019.

Also in 2020, she received a letter of thanks from the President of the Russian Federation for her selfless contribution to the Russian nationwide aid campaign We Are Together. This campaign aimed to provide social support to citizens during the COVID-19 epidemic in the Russian Federation.

In 2021, she received a letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for her great contribution to the preparation and organization of the Third Eurasian Women's Forum.

In 2022, she was awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for her outstanding contribution to healthcare and active citizenship.

In 2023, she received a letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for her contribution to the development of the Eurasian Women's Forum projects.

Also in 2023, she received a Commendation from the President of the Russian Federation for her contribution to the preparation and organization of the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Ekaterina Chaban — Head of Scientific and Technical Cooperation, Director for Promising Areas, State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom