1. General provisions
1.1. In the interests of ensuring the necessary conditions are in place for complete and accurate information about HLF events to be produced and disseminated, media representatives (“media”) seeking to participate in the Healthy Life Forum (“HLF”) must be accredited.
1.2. Media must be accredited for all HLF events.
1.3. As they carry out their professional duties, media representatives are expected to respect the rights and legitimate interests of the participants and staff of the HLF and to comply with generally recognized ethical standards.
1.4. Given the considerable interest shown by media in the event, the limited capacity of venue infrastructure, and in order to ensure those participating are provided with the best possible working conditions and quick access to all necessary resources, the organizers have decided to limit the number of media representatives allowed to participate in the HLF.
Please keep an eye out for updates on the HLF website and in the newsletter.
1.5. Media editorial staff shall be responsible for the accuracy of the data provided about their employees in accordance with Russian Federation law.
2. Media representative accreditation
2.1. Procedure for applying for accreditation
- Media representatives who would like to cover HLF events and specialized media representatives who would like to cover HLF business events related to their industry are asked to apply for accreditation (“apply”) through the official HLF website (forumhealth.ru).
- All fields in the application must be filled in, with particular attention to be paid to mandatory fields marked with an asterisk.
- Applications may be submitted through the official HLF website between 20 February and 17 March 2023.
- Applications will be considered within 10 calendar days following the media representative application deadline.
- Accreditation for media representatives shall be valid for the length of the HLF.
2.2. Accreditation quotas for media representatives
- For print media:
- newspapers – 3 individuals (2 correspondents, 1 photographer);
- magazines – 2 individuals (1 correspondent, 1 photographer).
- For news agencies – 4 individuals (2 correspondents, 2 photographers).
- For electronic publications – 2 individuals (1 correspondent, 1 cameraman).
- For TV companies – 7 individuals (2 correspondents, 1 producer, 2 cameramen, 2 sound technicians).
- For radio companies – 2 individuals (2 correspondents).
The number of media representatives from HLF media partners shall be determined in accordance with the media partnership agreements in place.
2.3. Procedure for issuing accreditation badges to media representatives
- The Forum Organizer must approve the application before the media representative may receive their accreditation badge.
- Accreditation badges shall be issued at the accreditation points in St. Petersburg. Information on the location and working hours of the accreditation points can be found on the official HLF website.
- The following conditions must be satisfied for Accreditation badges to be issued:
- accreditation has been approved and recorded in the HLF database;
- written consent has been provided to process “My personal data”
- a passport has been provided with details matching those on the registration form;
- power of attorney as well as a copy of the passport has been provided in the case of an accreditation badge by power of attorney;
- The badge belongs to a particular individual and may not be given to third parties during the HLF. It must be worn in a visible place whenever present at the HLF.
- No other accreditation cards shall be valid for entry to the HLF site.
- Media representatives are required to report any accreditation badges lost, misplaced, or stolen immediately to any information desk. Lost badges will be blocked with a duplicate issued upon written request.
2.4. Rules for accessing HLF events
- Media representatives must be accredited for all HLF events.
- Access for media representative technical staff shall be in accordance with the regulations governing access for technical staff to the HLF site.
3. Denial of accreditation
The Organizer reserves the right to deny accreditation without providing a reason.
4. Rights and responsibilities of media representatives receiving accreditation for the Healthy Life Forum
4.1. Accredited media representatives at the HLF are entitled to:
- make use of all services specifically designed for media representatives ;
- receive information about official HLF events and exhibitions (press releases, business programme, etc.)
- participate in press conferences, briefings, and other press events.
4.2. Accredited HLF media representatives are obliged to:
- verify the accuracy of the information they report;
- comply with requests by those who have provided information to identify the source of the information;
- inform private individuals and officials if they are being recorded with audio or video, filmed, or photographed;
- avoid using one's professional capacity to conceal or falsify information of public interest or gathering information for the benefit of an outside individual or organization other than the media;
- cease taking photographs/video at the request of HLF security representatives;
- not take photographs/video at HLF inspection points;
- not distribute printed material at the HLF without the prior approval of the Forum Organizer;
- follow the HLF's Citation Policy when using official information or quoting statements by HLF participants, namely: finished materials must mention the HLF and the source of the information received and, for electronic media, provide a link to the official HLF website (forumhealth.ru); no alterations, additions, or distortions to the information copied (quoted) are allowed.