The purpose of the Contest is to identify, select and support the most promising developments in the field of therapeutic and diagnostic medical equipment, digital medicine and new medications of high social significance and improving the quality of life for the public.
Organizers: The Roscongress Foundation and S-GROUP Corporate Communication Center, with support from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Organizational partners: Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Skolkovo Foundation.
Applications are accepted from project teams that are at the stage of product prototype, clinical research stage or completed projects that meet the following requirements:
competence of the project team;
investment potential;
high probability of industrial implementation and scaling;
high social significance;
contribution to improving the quality of life for the public.
Applications in the following areas are accepted:
IT solutions for patient health control (monitoring patient health, non-invasive diagnostic devices);
software and hardware solutions to support the doctor in making decisions, disease prevention and adherence to therapy;
telemedicine equipment, cloud services, mobile applications in healthcare;
medical information systems ensuring the operation of the healthcare system;
therapeutic and diagnostic systems using artificial intelligence, neural networks, robotic systems;
new materials, prostheses, implants;
laboratory diagnostics and test data processing;
visualization and image processing of organs and tissues;
rehabilitation tools;
devices and medical equipment, IT solutions for people with disabilities;
new molecules, pharmaceutical compositions, cellular technology products, genetically engineered medications for healthy longevity.
Stages of the Healthy Life Innovative Solutions Contest:
30 November 2018 – 11 January 2019: applications will be accepted to take part in the contest;
January 2019: Evaluation and selection of projects for the semifinals;
4 February 2019: Conclusion of evaluation and announcement of the Contest semifinalists;
5–10 February 2019: Preparing presentations and organizing the pitch session of the Contest semifinalists during the Healthy Life Forum: Towards 80+;
February 13, 2019: Semifinalists pitch session, selecting the best teams to participate in the final, which will be held at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June 2019;
May 2019: Preparing the finalists for the presentation session at SPIEF 2019;
6–8 June 2019: Participation of the finalists at SPIEF (format of participation to be coordinated with the SPIEF Organizing Committee).
Details of the prize fund will be published on the website no later than 1 February 2019, once sponsors and partners are confirmed for the project.
More information is available in the Regulation of the Healthy Life Innovative Solutions Contest.